A block of great formal simplicity that combines a square and a circle to create a sober and elegant latticework. Available in red terracotta or glazed green.
Also available, see gallery, a block with a recess on one of the faces of the piece allows the installation of stained or coloured glass to produce coloured patterns or transparency effects. This recessed block has a groove around its joining faces to allow for seamless bonding to the others around it. The normal block is cemented on all faces.
Suitable for gardens or exterior places and also indoors for room dividers.
Measures 15 x 15 x 5.5cms and weighs 1.15kg, 45 per sq.m.
Also available in white terracotta or in a range of 18 different coloured glazes, see ‘Gallery’.
New, a corner and end block, either square edged or curved, enabling you to change directions of 90 or 120 degrees in your wall and a nice way to finish off any projecting wall.