These quality classic shaped korai / karahi pots are great for cooking foods like curry, pasta, risotto, stew, Chinese or Thai/Asian meals. Comes with an unglazed lid and a stainless band with carrying handles. Great for cooking on a gas hob due to its shape, start on low heat and build up temperature to stop it cracking. If in doubt use a diffuser. Also can be used in the oven or microwave with the handles and lid removed, in the oven cover with cooking foil to keep food moist. Get the genuine Indian food taste with this unglazed pot! When lidded, will keep served food warm for ages.
This pot comes in 3 sizes to suit your cooking needs. Handles can be removed if preferred, just slip the stainless steel band down the sides of the pot or remove screws from band at handle.
Choice of 3 sizes and capacities ( filled to bottom of rim). The 3.5L pot comes in 2 shapes depending on your preference. Traditional shape as in bottom photo.
- 1 Litre – 21cm diameter x 9.5cm high (14.5cm with lid), capacity 1.5L to brim (top photo)
- 2 Litre – 25cm diameter x 10cm high (16cm with lid), capacity 2.4L to brim (top photo)
- 3.5 Litre (Modern shape) – 28.5cm diameter x 13cm high (19.5cm with lid), capacity 3.4L to brim (top photo)
- 3.5 Litre (Traditional shape) – 26cm diameter x 17cm high (25cm with lid), capacity 3.4L to brim
Sizes/capacities may vary.