Now available, 20cm clay barrel tiles ideal for the construction of small garden or house structures such as sheds, lean-to’s, canopies, kennels, wells, barbeques, pizza ovens and outdoor kitchens.
These tiles are made at 200mm (8in) long and 100mm wide (4in) at the wide end and 75mm (3in) at the narrow end. As these tiles are so small compared to a normal barrel tile they will give the optical illusion of the structure being bigger than it is.
For a rough guide using an over lap of 65mm, to cover 1m2 of roof you will require 100 tiles, there are 12 or 13 tiles per linear metre transversally and 8 tiles per metre lengthways, please ask for help in estimating your needs. Weight 0.35kg each.
The tiles are best fixed in place on planks or a board by either a small spot of glue or expanding foam or mortared. The tile colour is red, if you wish to make it look aged you can either wash with a natural yoghurt mix to promote lichen or spray paint lightly with dark colours.
Please ask for assistance in estimating quantities needed, we will also assist you with instructions for the battening and construction of your roof.
See Spanish or French roof tile pages for larger versions of this tile.